Frequently asked questions

What devices can I use?

Twinbees is compatible with:
– all iPhones running on iOS 15 (and later)
– all iPads running on iPadOS 15 (and later).

It’s time to give a second life to your old iPhone 6s sleeping in your drawer 🙂

Furthermore, you can receive all alerts on your Apple Watch.

Is the app secure and private?

Yes, Twinbees prioritizes the security and privacy of your data.
Only authorized users have access to live monitoring sessions.

Can I use multiple devices as parent-unit?

Yes, the app is designed to be accessible from multiple devices, allowing both parents or caregivers to monitor the baby simultaneously.

Is there a video mode?

There is no video mode at this point, since cameras on iPhones and iPads are not reliable in the dark.

Is there an Android version?

Not yet, but keep the requests coming, and we’ll see what we can do 🙂

How do I troubleshoot common issues with the app?

Just email us at [email protected]